I have been an educator for 25+ years and I have always dreaded fundraisers. I hated asking my students to sell items, collect pledges and/or reach out to people to ask for money. We had a program created to take pick-a-date calendar fundraising to a whole new level by making it FULLY digital and making it the easiest fundraiser ever.
Our pick-a-date calendar fundraiser is VERY simple. Each participant will copy their unique calendar we custom design for your group and post to social media. That is it! The calendar is ALL digital and no need to constantly update it. When donors click on the date (s), they are directed to a payment screen where they can use Stripe, Apple Pay, or credit/debit card to make payment. They can select multiple dates at once. Organizations do not have to worry about collecting the donations. We take care of all that for you.
NO Calls!
NO Email collections!
NO Product Sells!
NO Badgering folks to pledge money!
NO Money collection!
Each individual will have the potential of raising close to $500 without having to make ANY contacts. (31 days per calendar=$496.00 per member).
Reach thousands of people instantly without having to make one single contact!
NO upfront costs!
Paramount Fundraising can ALSO add an incentive for donors with a DRAWING for a monetary amount!